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Advanced Fair Housing (Virtual)

Don’t miss this opportunity—What you don’t know can hurt you!

Thursday, February 18, 2021
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MST)

Online (Details will be sent the day prior)

Event Details

Are you a seasoned industry professional? Have you ever questioned whether or not your actions may violate fair housing laws? Do you know the fair housing laws as well as you would like?

Please join Tschetter Sulzer PC teach in-depth and informative updates regarding fair housing laws and issues affecting our industry. There will be time for questions and answers, so no issue will be left unanswered!

The advanced class goes beyond the protected classes and focuses on the most important and complicated facets of the Fair Housing Laws with emphasis on Accommodation and Modification, Disabilities-Permanent & Temporary, Tenant Retaliation and Dealing with Complaints.

We utilize Risk Analysis in evaluating how you should handle a Fair Housing situation. The class features extensive testing on real case scenarios that have occurred involving the accommodation and modification requirements under Fair Housing-how they were handled and how they should be handled.

Don’t miss this opportunity—What you don’t know can hurt you!


Connie Palacios l 719-264-9195 x 103