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CHFA - Pet-inclusive Policies, Part 1: Models in Affordable Housing, Webinar

An overview of Fair Housing basics

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
8:55 AM - 10:30 AM (MDT)

Event Details

Location: Attendee Hub

Log in: 8:55am

Class: 9:00am to 10:30am MT 

Cost: FREE promo code CHFAreach

The value of companion animals in our lives is well understood and backed by decades of research. 

As such, publicly financed housing serving populations earning lower incomes can be a lifeline for those that are struggling to keep their families whole. 

Owners and operators of affordable housing often understand the importance that the human-animal bond has on those they serve. Best practices for implementing policies ensure that their asset is protected and maintain a harmonious community. 

This webinar reviews what we know about pet-friendly housing, gleans best practices from communities that have embraced housing people and their pets together, and reviews specific policy examples from pet-inclusive housing developments.

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • name three benefits of offering pet-inclusive housing to the community of renters earning low incomes;
  • name and summarize the reasons for three different elements of a pet agreement; and,
  • name one action that can be taken to mitigate risk in each of the following areas: 
    • financial concerns
    • health concerns
    • behavioral concerns
    • liability concerns

Note: This webinar is the first of a two-part series on pet policies in rental housing. Part one, “Models in Affordable Housing,” serves as a broad overview of the research, practices, and examples of pets in housing. Part two, “Developing Your Pet-policy Prototype” on July 11, 2024, is an in-depth workshop allowing participants to work directly on creating a pet-friendly housing policy.

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