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NAA Webinar - DE&I Week: The Taming of Toxic Culture

Join our panel of inclusion experts as we map out how to identify and call-

Monday, October 16, 2023
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (MDT)

Event Details

Combatting toxic company culture goes beyond getting rid of the “cool table” in the cafeteria. Negative cultural elements are inherent in the structure of some workplaces, in policies and practices that sustain and reward exclusion.This toxicity is not only detrimental for team morale but can cost you and your team emotionally and financially.

Join our panel of inclusion experts as we map out how to identify and call-out the key traits of toxic workplace culture through real-life accounts.

Learn how to construct practical approaches to proactively nurture inclusivity and apply intersectional insights that foster constructive conversations on developing a growth-oriented organizational environment. 

For More Information: